Whisk and Paddle was an exiting project to work on. I began working with the founders in the planning stages of the first bakery location in late 2018.
One of the principals came from the bakery at NorthWorks and spun off into its own entity. The two companies maintained their relationship and Whisk & Paddle continued to provide pastries until NorthWorks closed in 2021.
Whisk & Paddle is five star rated and our partnership has proven to make it an agile organization. Originally I proposed an online ordering system, but to keep things simple the owners decided against it. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit and I was 2,000+ miles away, we where able to quickly launch an online ordering platform with the Square POS system we had originally picked for the backbone of the business.
The core SaaS we used in the infrastructure projects (POS and Website) are Square and Wix. These were picked for their user friendliness and the low costs effective to a small business.
In addition to managing these projects, assembling plans, creating budget proposals, sourcing vendors and materials I also executed on most if not all tasks.
A external graphic designer produced the primary logo, while I created the abbreviated logo and label and all other media with the brand assets.
*This project was originally taken on under my former ShoeBox Design Labs brand.
Coffee 😍

Print Branding

The iconic logo in the window

Frosting Styling Choices

Valentines Day Photoshoot